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The Revenge of Winston Smith

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What is it with these religious nutters ...

Posted by Tim on Tuesday, January 25, 2005 | Permalink

I wandered over to see what the ignorant bigots at Christian Voice (the googlebomb stays!) were doing today. They seem to be revelling in their recent media interest, linking to a number of sources that have mentioned them, including those that were not supportive.

This - from the ever-entertaining Screen Burn column in The Guide (which I missed last Saturday as I forgot to pick up my copy of the Guardian) - says it all:
So, the BBC went ahead and broadcast Jerry Springer: The Opera in its entirety last week, enraging a hardcore band of extremist humourless oafs who decided before they'd even seen it that it was blasphemous and despicable and hideous and ghastly and wrong, and therefore Must Not Be Shown because They Didn't Like It.

Let he who is without brains cast the first stone. And cast they did. Prior to broadcast, they jostled, they shouted, they published contact details and made threatening phone calls - all in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ, who, unless I'm grossly mistaken, was actually rather keen on tolerance and forgiveness and turning the other cheek.

Before Jerry Springer was shown, the BBC received 47,000 complaints. Afterwards, it received just 900 - plus around 500 calls of support.

And later, refering to Christian Voice:
You'd have thought human beings had evolved beyond this kind of idiocy - but since Christian Voice probably don't believe in evolution, I guess they're exempt. And as for the many thousands who objected to the broadcast on the grounds that it represented a "misuse of their licence fee", I suspect that if you counted all the people who've ever turned on their TV of a Sunday evening and said, "Oh shit, Songs Of Praise is on," you'd be looking a majority of millions. [full article]

I always wonder if Christians, when reading this sort of this sort of thing, secretly think "well, the guy's got a point ..."

It always annoys me that the religious always seem to think that the gods they worship are somehow real. Ok, it's what they might believe, but when talking to atheists (and people of other faiths) they still use phrases like "but what about what God said in the bible about ..." without realising that such statements are automatically invalid as atheists don't believe that the god they are referring to actually exists. The problem with this is that they seem to think that people like me should also follow the rules their mythical deities - and most of these rules I am strongly opposed to.

BTW, the site I am working on is not a new one, just a re-working of my Religion is Bullshit! site. This will include a blog section, so my future militant atheist rants will go there and I can save this site for, well, other stuff.