Comments on Pomp and circumstance

I was going to reply to your entry on football which was very similar to this, but java wasn't working so I couldn't open the comments. I think that patriotism, when channelled into irrelevancies like sport and music, is perfectly healthy. It's a largely sating and ephemeral emotion. It becomes a problem when you use it as a divisive method of justifying the occupation of another country, for example. Or when you turn citizens against each other by making it a matter of direct competition.

Ben [home] 22.09.2004, 6:04pm

I'm right with you on the prommers, I'm always reminded of the definition of "Thrumster" in Douglas Adams' "The Meaning of Liff": "The irritating man next to you in a concert who thinks he's a) the conductor, b) the brass section."

James [home] 23.09.2004, 8:50pm

More people should read The Meaning of Liff (Douglas Adams said so himself you know).
I think that the prommers are celebrating an England that hasn't existed for a long time. As for sport, well, I suppose the Olympics are and example of how different nations can "unite in competition". On the other hand, try watching English football fans on the rampage ...

Tim [home] 23.09.2004, 11:13pm

'patriotism' is healthy, jingoism, bigotry and totally bullshit notions of what your nation actually is, was and stands for are not at all healthy and lead to war, genocide, murder and many other nasties. I'm a Scottish Nationalist but it doesn't entail beating up any Englishman I find, painting myself blue or fighting over sporting fixtures. Some people need to get a grip on reality and others need to think harder about what they are dismissing as "just a bit of fun" - I especially hate people with St. George's Crosses on their cars; they are in the bloody country whose flag they are flying! Have they forgotten their nationality? Or do they, as I suspect, consider themselves to be a minority under threat from "f'ing forunners"?

Okay, rant over... getting a nice soothing Campari...

Some one 17.09.2005, 10:42pm

The Revenge of Winson Smith - Comments from archived blog posts