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Part of me wants to break down barriers, set people free and make the world a better place. A bigger part of me wants to sit on the sofa, drink tea and play through old Nintendo games.

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29/09/08 : September

In some ways, September - the oddest month of the year - is a bit depressing. Summer is over, the days are shorter and the mornings colder. The "back to school" feeling hasn't gone away even though I left school in 1989. And it's the month in which one is terrorised by evil eight-legged monsters.

On the other hand, it's still usually warm and sunny in the daytime (especially at the moment) and the freshness of the air is quite pleasant after the heat of summer (not that there was much in the way of heat this year). And the leaves' swansong of colour is nice to see before the bleakness of winter.

It feels like a time for fresh starts - far more so than in January, which really is a depressing time of year - so I'm going to keep myself busy sorting out my jumbled mess of websites out (which was actually one of my resolutions at the beginning of the year).

My garden, pleasant early autumn day

Posted by Tim at 23:53 [ permalink ]
Categories: Family and general life
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